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Personal traits essay

Personal traits essay

personal traits essay

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Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, — is the most well known work of French writer Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineauwhich argues that there are intellectual differences between human racespersonal traits essay, that civilizations decline and fall when the personal traits essay are mixed and that the white race is superior.

It is today considered to be one of the earliest examples of scientific racialism. Expanding upon Boulainvilliers ' use of ethnography to defend the Ancien Régime against the claims of the Third EstateGobineau aimed for an explanatory system universal in scope : namely, that race is the primary force determining world events.

Using scientific disciplines as varied as linguistics and anthropologyGobineau divides the human species into three major groupings, white, yellow and black, claiming to demonstrate that "history springs only from contact with the white races.

However, inevitable miscegenation led to the "downfall of civilizations". Gobineau was a Legitimist who despaired at France's decline into republicanism and centralization.

The book was written after the revolution when Gobineau began studying the works of physiologists Xavier Bichat and Johann Blumenbach. The book was dedicated to King George V of Hanover —66the last king of Hanover. In the dedication, Gobineau writes that he presents to His Majesty the fruits of his speculations and studies into the hidden causes of the "revolutions, bloody wars, and lawlessness" "révolutions, guerres sanglantes, renversements de lois" of the age.

In a letter to Count Anton von Prokesch-Osten in he describes the book as based upon "a hatred for democracy and its weapon, the Revolution, which I satisfied by showing, in a variety of ways, where revolution and democracy come from and where they are going, personal traits essay.

In Vol I, chapter 11, "Les différences ethniques sont permanentes" "The ethnic differences are permanent"Gobineau writes that "Adam is the originator of our white species" "Adam soit l'auteur de notre espèce blanche"and creatures not part of the white race are not part of that species.

By this Gobineau refers to his division of humans into three main races: white, personal traits essay, black, and yellow. The biblical division into HamitesSemitespersonal traits essay, personal traits essay Japhetites is for Gobineau a division within the white race. In general, Gobineau considers the Bible to be a reliable source of actual history, and he was not a supporter of the idea of polygenesis.

Josiah Clark Nott hired Henry Hotze to translate the work into English. Hotze's personal traits essay was published in as The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Raceswith an added essay from Hotze and appendix from Nott.

However, it "omitted the laws of repulsion and attraction, which were at the heart of Gobineau's account of the role of race-mixing in the rise and fall of civilizations". The German translation Versuch über die Ungleichheit der Menschenrassen first appeared in and was translated by Ludwig Schemanna member of the Bayreuth Circle and "one of the most important racial theorists of imperial and Weimar Germany", personal traits essay.

A new English-language version The Inequality of Personal traits essay Racestranslated by Adrian Collins, was published in Britain and the US in and remains the standard English-language version.

It continues to be republished in the US. Steven Kale argues that Gobineau's "influence on the development of racial theory has been exaggerated and his ideas have been routinely misconstrued". Gobineau's ideas found an audience in the United States and in German-speaking areas more so than in France, becoming the inspiration for a host of racial theories, for example those of Houston Stewart Chamberlain. German historian Joachim C. Festwho wrote a biography of Hitler, describes Gobineau, in particular his negative views on race-mixing as expressed in his essay, as an eminent influence on Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

Fest writes that the influence of Gobineau on Hitler can be easily seen and that Gobineau's ideas were used by Hitler in simplified form for demagogic purposes: "Significantly, personal traits essay, Hitler simplified Gobineau's elaborate doctrine until it became demagogically usable and offered a set of plausible explanations for all the discontents, anxieties, and crises of the contemporary scene.

Although cited by groups such as the Nazi Partythe text implicitly criticizes antisemitism and describes Jews in positive terms, the Jews being seen as a superbly forged race of "ancient Greek-like strength" of cohesion.

Implicitly, the folk of Judah merely represented a personal traits essay, semi-austral variation of Ur-Aryan blood-stock.

Gobineau stated, "Jews became a people that succeeded in everything it undertook, a free, strong, and intelligent people, and one which, before it lost, sword in hand, the name of an independent nation, had given as many learned men to the world as it had merchants.

In these lines of speculative anthropology, personal traits essay, the Jews were anciently supposedly primordially interpreted as of atypical Indo-European ethnicity: Judaic racial typology emerged from Iranid — Nordid founders, the details considered inessential, possessors of compatibly "white" "Aryan" blood being the main point. The latter-day "Hamiticized" Jewish folk came into existence from non-Afro-Asiatic Hurrian or Horitepersonal traits essay, JebusiteAmorite or early- HittiteMittani -affiliated racial nuclei, the "consensus science" of the time asserted.

The blatantly, ironically personal traits essay aggressive pro-Jewish attitude of Gobineau, akin to Nietzsche in sheer admiration and lionization of the Jews as one of the "highest races", proved ideologically vertiginous to the Nazi propagandists and Procrustean thinkers—here Gobineau unmistakably contradicted perhaps the main pillar of Nazi political ideology, personal traits essay, which has been described as the schizoid, neo-Gnostic dualism of "Jewish demonology", painfully obvious as reflective of low-grade moral-intellectual barbarism.

Incompatible with Nazi ideology, the Count's fervent Judaic positivity and total dearth of antisemitism the Nazis could only attempt to ignore or minimize away in the silence of hypocrisy.

The book continued to influence the white supremacist movement in the United States in the early 21st century. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification.

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Modern Intellectual History. Cambridge University Press. doi : Mariner Books. ISBN Historia de la teoría política. Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica. White Supremacist Groups". Journal of Political and Military Sociology. Scientific racism. Black Bronze Brown Olive Personal traits essay Red Amerindian White. Australoid Capoid Caucasoid Alpine Arabid Armenoid Aryan Atlantid Caspian Dinaric East Baltic Ethiopid Hamites Iranid Mediterranean Nordic Pamirid Semites Turanid Mongoloid Malay Sinodonty and Sundadonty Negroid Hottentot.

By region in India in Latin America in Brazil in Colombia in Singapore in the United States Passing Racial discrimination Racism Scientific racism Racial stereotypes Colorism Master race Nazism and race Racial hygiene Whiteness studies Négritude.

An Essay upon the Causes of the Different Colours of People in Different Climates The Outline of History of Mankind Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races The Races of Europe Ripley, The Foundations of personal traits essay Nineteenth Century Race Life of the Aryan Peoples Heredity in Relation to Eugenics Castes in India The Passing of the Great Race The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy The Myth of the Twentieth Century Annihilation of Caste The Races of Europe Coon, An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus The Race Question Multiracial Miscegenation Ethnogenesis Eugenics Great chain of being Monogenism Polygenism Pre-Adamite History of anthropometry.

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An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races - Wikipedia

personal traits essay

May 01,  · A personal essay should use a single experience from your life as a way of exploring a particular theme. A good personal essay keeps a tight focus and uses specific details to add interest. believe in yourself, and you can do anything. Focus more on personality traits and talents, and less on physical appearance. Start by brainstorming and Jun 21,  · These skills helped increase my personal client retention rate by more than 40% in a year, and helped the team deliver % of our projects by the original deadline.” These are just a few examples of how to answer the question, “How would you describe yourself?” but there are plenty of other qualities you could share This worksheet is designed to help freshman applicants start the writing process for the personal insight questions in the undergraduate admissions application. Additional hints and suggestions can be found on UC’s admissions website at

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